If you have a Hello Charlie account
You can track your order status at any time.
Log in to 'My Account' and choose 'View Order Status', or choose 'Order Status' from the top of every page on our Hello Charlie website.
From this page, you can select ‘View Order Details’ to see further information on the shipping or the status of your order.
Hot tip! - You can also reorder from this page – saving you lots of time if you want to order the same products as last time!
If you need any help, or have any questions at all, please call us on 1300 725 876 or email us at info@hellocharlie.com.au.
If you ordered as a Guest
Unfortunately you will not be able to track your order status yourself. Don't worry though, if you have provided an email address we will email you as the order moves through each stage of the delivery process.
As always, feel free to call us on 1300 725 876 or email us at info@hellocharlie.com.au if you need further information on the status of your order.